A software professional and a digital product enthusiast, with experience in Full-Stack Web Development, DevOps, Cloud Services and a niche for Frontend.
If I asked you which framework did I use for this website ? You might say React or Vue. GOTCHA! This website only uses Vanilla JS to replicate the way a Single Page Application feels. Although, its far from being called a complete SPA.
A platform for Insurance companies to search for and gain more information on insuretech providers according to their requirements. Provides collaboration tools for the employees of the same orgnisation to communicate and organize their thoughts efficiently.
Web Portal for Annual Sports Fest of Manipal University Jaipur.
Web Portal for Annual cultural Fest of Manipal University Jaipur.
Web portal for the fitness fest of Manipal University Jaipur, which was used to buy passes of the fitness event, to track footfall and to maintain entry logs.
A data analysis platform for providing sales insights and consumer product opinion using information from social platforms like youtube and twiiter.
Note: This website is desktop only.Portfolio website for my own freelance firm.
A Single Page Application, which analyses your symptoms to suggest possible diseases using Clustering.
The application can also serve information about various medicle conditions and suggest nearby doctors using GPS location.
A plug-and-play logging library built using typescipt to creating log files for your services and applications in a convinient manner. Also supports uploading logs to a cloud based storage through adapters.
A react based frontend for a Commento.io backend. Commento provides a vanilla JS frontend which is hard to integrate and modify with a React application. Thus, I created a port of the frontend using react for maximum performance and flexibility with React apps.