Hello 👋, I am Apoorv Agarwal

A software professional and a digital product enthusiast, with experience in Full-Stack Web Development, DevOps, Cloud Services and a niche for Frontend.

Projects and Experiences


My Portfolio 🙃 - This website!

If I asked you which framework did I use for this website ? You might say React or Vue. GOTCHA! This website only uses Vanilla JS to replicate the way a Single Page Application feels. Although, its far from being called a complete SPA.



A platform for Insurance companies to search for and gain more information on insuretech providers according to their requirements. Provides collaboration tools for the employees of the same orgnisation to communicate and organize their thoughts efficiently.


Abhivarta - Sports Fest

Web Portal for Annual Sports Fest of Manipal University Jaipur.


Oneiros 2018 - Cultural Fest

Web Portal for Annual cultural Fest of Manipal University Jaipur.


Yuvanyu - Fitness Fest

Web portal for the fitness fest of Manipal University Jaipur, which was used to buy passes of the fitness event, to track footfall and to maintain entry logs.


Insights Analyzer - Dell

A data analysis platform for providing sales insights and consumer product opinion using information from social platforms like youtube and twiiter.

Note: This website is desktop only.

WebSetGo - A Freelance Firm

Portfolio website for my own freelance firm.


Apimedix - Symptom Analyzer

A Single Page Application, which analyses your symptoms to suggest possible diseases using Clustering.
The application can also serve information about various medicle conditions and suggest nearby doctors using GPS location.


Hearth Logger - NPM Module

A plug-and-play logging library built using typescipt to creating log files for your services and applications in a convinient manner. Also supports uploading logs to a cloud based storage through adapters.


Commento-React - NPM Module

A react based frontend for a Commento.io backend. Commento provides a vanilla JS frontend which is hard to integrate and modify with a React application. Thus, I created a port of the frontend using react for maximum performance and flexibility with React apps.

About Me

Hello My name is Apoorv Agarwal. A Bachelors of Technology graduate, with Computer Science as my major. Currently, I am working as a Full-Stack Developer @ DPF Consulting

How do computers work? This question always fascinated me 🤯, as I dwelled more into when I started learning C++ as part of my curicullum during high school. I reliazed that it was not some hidden magic, I just did not know the language which the machine understands.

This sparked my interest towards Computer Science and till now, I have tried my hand at various domains ranging from Native Android Development using Java, IoT Implementation on Arduino, Building Recommendation Engines using Python, to Full-Stack Web Development.

But I quickly realized that building end-to-end web-applications is what excited me the most, as it gave me the ability to be involved in every stage of a product development lifecycle starting with UI/UX Development to Backend / API Development and DevOps.

During my college term, I was very much intrigued with core CS topics such as OOPS, operating systems and microprocessors. But, for the most part of my time, I sticked to honing my skills in Web Development. And to test my abilities I took part in some hackathons of which I won a few. Here is a list of my wins, if you are interested :-
  • 👉 Dell Hack2Hire 2018 - Bagged me an Internship @ Dell for summer of 2019
  • 👉 Innovaccer Hackercamp 2018 - Bagged me an Intership @ Innovaccer for summer of 2019
  • 👉 Dell Internovation 2019 - Internal hackathon for around 90 interns

For more information on my experience and skillset
Here is a link to my resume and you can check out my projects here.


On the right bottom of this page is a more summed up version of the same if you are in a hurry !

Nowadays, I am learning about personal finance and investment instruments like equity market. Other than this, I like to sketch and read in my free time. That's all about me !

If you have a proposal or project in mind you would like to collaborate on ? Clik here to reach out to me.


  • 🌟 Highlights
  • The scope of the projects I have worked on comprises of large scale web applications and data pipelines, search engines, web scrapers, e-commerce stores, internal tools (CLI based and npm packages), admin dashboards and interactive brochure websites.
  • Strong Understanding of functional programming and OOPs paradigm
  • For helping my future self, I tend to keep the codebase DRY, readable and as extensible as possible
  • Secret love towards builing animation heavy beautiful websites, while keeping the experience running at 60fps.
  • ⌨️ Programming Languages
  • Javascript / Typescript
  • Python
  • Java
  • ⚒️ Frameworks, Libraries and Cloud Service Providers
  • React / Next.js / Vue / Vanilla Apps
  • NodeJs / Nest.js / Strapi / Wordpress / Flask
  • AWS / Firebase
  • HTML / CSS
  • 💻 DevOps
  • Server Management / Automation
  • CI / CD
  • Nginx
  • Docker
  • 📁 Databases / Data Providers
  • MongoDB / MySQL
  • Kafka
  • ElasticSearch
  • Redis
  • GraphQL
  • 📱 Native App Development
  • React Native

Contact Me